Welcome to a waterfront hotel with modern facilities on beautiful Northern Vancouver Island. All rooms and suites face Hardy Bay.

From your balcony, watch the fish jumping at the mouth of the Glen Lyon River during spawning season. Listen to waves of the ocean in the night and be sure to bring your camera and lots of film to take pictures of the majestic Bald Eagles nesting on the trees, flying over the sail boats and resting on the beach.


Port Hardy is well known as the northern terminus for the Island Highway 19 as well as the terminus for the famous Inside Coast Passage and Discovery Coast Passage (BC Ferries). By car, our hotel, Glen Lyon Inn is found on the scenic alternate road - Hardy Bay Road - which rims the waterfront leading to Port Hardy. It is only a few minutes to the ferry terminal and very close to downtown and the bus depot. We are located immediately adjacent to the marina and the seaplane base.

For more information: www.victoriabc.com/accom/glenlyoninn/

Quokka Systems
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