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Quokka Systems Consulting E-Newsletter November 2002 Issue

Quokka Systems Hits the Road
From October 21st to 25th, Robert Ford and Trant Lee-Amies put the rubber to the road and represented Quokka Systems Consulting to the tourism industry professionals in Kamloops.

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AccomEx '02
Quokka Systems Booth in Kamloops
Quokka Systems Gets a New Look
You may have noticed a change in our corporate branding. Gone is the cute little Quokka bear. (Cute, but had to go, plus it was a marsupuial actually!) Now we have a newer, edgier look reflecting our commitment to serve our clients with renewed energy. This newsletter is part of reaching out to our clients.

Click here for a message from the president >>>

Marketing Affiliates
Quokka Systems is pleased to announce our Marketing Affiliates program that is designed to bring more traffic to your Quokka online booking account. Since our first days with the Quokka Online Booking System, we have been asked how are you marketing our rooms?

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Online Bookings for Campgrounds and RV Parks

To meet the needs of the BC Lodging and Campgrounds Association, June 2002 witnessed the launch of Quokka Systems' campground and RV Park component to the Quokka Online Booking System.

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