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> Staff Profiles
> What's a Quokka?
> Travel In BC
> GoZed


Robert Ford is president and owner of Quokka Systems Consulting. He has 16 years experience in Information Technology. He is qualified in systems design and is an experienced project manager. He sits on the boards of two other technology related companies.

- 604-644-6796

Senior Account Manager

Trant Lee-Amies has been selling for Quokka Systems since the system was in its infancy. He currently represents the Vancouver Island accounts

- 1-866-222-8898

Senior Account Manager

Emma Lee-Amies has extensive sales and marketing experience, not the least of which has been owning a restaurant in Vancouver. She was also one of the inaugural members of the Quokka Systems sales team.

- 1-866-288-5976

Senior Account Manager

Lorne Bradt is a Sales Executive for Quokka Systems in charge of breaking us into eastern Canada.

- 1-866-222-8898

Account Manager

Leah Cooley Leah Cooley is the newest addition to the team. She is responsible for establishing product awareness and maintaining the company's marketing data.

- 604-374-2794

Support Representative

Joanna Drewry is a retired senior bureaucrat with 32 years of experience with both the federal and BC provincial governments. Based in Victoria, she is responsible for the setup, training and support of all customers on Vancouver Island.

- 1-866-222-2624

Support Representative

Hilary Lee-Amies is a former legal secretary and property manager. She is responsible for mainland Vancouver and BC Interior setup, training and support.

- 1-866-222-2624

Web Database Developer

Jeff Comba is the lead developer of the system and has taken the system from prototype to its current version. He is also developing a residential building management system for another client.

Web Developer

Michael Walsh is based in Calgary and has developed much of the Package component of the online booking system as well as providing critical support for other clients including Air Canada and IDTrip Services Inc.

Web Developer & Documentation

Nicole Johnston developed much of the monthly stay and B&B features for the system. In addition she has worked extensively on the IDTrip project and is an expert at making technical documentation clear and useful.

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